Announcing the Figuring out Fabric Podcast!

I’m delighted to announce the launch of the Figuring out Fabric Podcast. Currently you can find it on Buzzsprout (RSS feed) and YouTube, but soon it will be coming to a podcast directory near you.

Each week I’ll be interviewing experts and users alike on their experience with Fabric, warts and all. I can guarantee that we’ll have voices you aren’t used to and perspectives you won’t expect.

Each episode will be 30 minutes long with a single topic, so you can listen during your commute or while you exercise. Skip the topics you aren’t interested in. This will be a podcast that respects your time and your intelligence. No 2 hour BS sessions.

In our inaugural episode, Kristyna Ferris helps us pick the right data movement tool.

Here are the upcoming guests and topics:

Come along for the ride!

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